
First President of Kazakhstan meets with Lassina Zerbo, Executive Secretary of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization


The Leader of Nation has congratulated Lassina Zerbo on the award he received for his contribution to building a world without nuclear weapons.

- We keep a close relationship with the Organization and support you in all areas of its activities. You are doing a very important job. And I hope that we will keep on our joint activities for the benefit of all mankind, Nursultan Nazarbayev said.

In turn, the CTBTO Executive Secretary noted the Leader of Nation’s important role in strengthening global security.

- Probably there is no other leader in the world who could personify the goals of our work to build a world free of nuclear weapons and prohibition of nuclear testing. I intend to continue the legacy you have laid. All that you have done is an example for the whole developing world, said Lassina Zerbo.