
First President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev chairs meeting of the Political Council Bureau, Nur Otan Party


The meeting has considered the implementation of party programs and priority areas for the coming period.

Opening the meeting, Leader of the Nation emphasized that during twenty years Nur Otan has become the country’s most powerful political force.

- In the hardest years, our party united people and politicians to work in a unified manner. We have safeguarded peace and interethnic harmony, political stability. As a result, considerable success has been achieved. This allowed our country to elevate out of crisis, attract investment, open thousands of new enterprises, and provide jobs. And most importantly, to maintain and strengthen our independence, said the First President of Kazakhstan.

Nursultan Nazarbayev noted that in the conditions of global changes, the Party faces new and more complex tasks.

- Kazakhstan, like other fast growing economies, has come against a middle income trap. Stagnation of middle class incomes has been observed all over the world. Negative global trends also have a significant impact, said the Party Chairman.

The Leader of Nation pointed out the need for timely response to the challenges and growing demands of citizens.

- At the same time, despite the difficulties, we shouldn’t lose sight of the main goal outlined in Strategy-2050, joining the top 30 developed countries, that is, to raise the quality of life of Kazakhstan’s nation to the level of advanced countries. To achieve it, there must be stability, unity and, most importantly, hard work of all Kazakhstan’s citizens. Each of us needs to understand that. Top 30 countries have taken that course, said the First President of Kazakhstan.

Nursultan Nazarbayev focused on the priority areas of the party’s work to achieve the goals of the strategic development course until 2050.

- The Party, in order to do that, firstly, should consolidate society and cement the unity of the country’s political leadership. When there is inner unity and harmony, then there will be growth. Secondly, the Party needs a clear identity and strict discipline, the responsibility of the executive branch, said the Party Chairman.

Nursultan Nazarbayev noted the importance of quality preparation for the upcoming electoral campaign in the Majilis and maslikhats (local representative bodies)

- The important elections to the Majilis are coming, which will be held on constitutional terms. According to the legislation introduced last year, the next elections to maslikhats will be held for the first time on party lists, similar to the elections to the Majilis. We are committed to victory and long-term political leadership. Therefore, today it is necessary to begin preparations for the upcoming electoral campaign, said the First President of Kazakhstan.

He has also called on all concerned citizens to join the party to solve the country’s pressing socio-economic problems.

- We see and hear our active citizens, bloggers, who began to speak with their proposals. If they really root for our country, we invite them all to work together with the party to implement the ideas proposed, said the Chairman of the party.

Nursultan Nazarbayev emphasized the need to intensify Nur Otan’s work on solving the problems of citizens in the regions.

- Nur Otan’s task lies in effective public and party control, high-quality implementation of all the promises made to the people – actualization of Five Institutional Reforms, the Party's Election Program until 2021, and the Program of the elected President Kassym-Jomart K. Tokayev. All of them are aimed at improving the lives of Kazakhstan’s people, said the Leader of Nation.

At the same time, the Chairman pointed out adopting an information-ideological strategy to increase public confidence in the party.

- It is necessary to openly talk about problems and seek their solution specifically on the ground. Our task is to create an atmosphere of trust in society. This requires a dialogue of all social, political forces, business, intelligentsia, experts and citizens. It is necessary to use all available platforms. There should be focused work to solve specific problems. We must give our citizens confidence in the future, said the First President of Kazakhstan.

The meeting of the Political Council Bureau has decided to give the mandates of the Majilis deputies on Nur Otan party list to G. Abdykalikova, N. Alimzhanov, N. Ashimbetov and Zh. Omarbekova.