
Nursultan Nazarbayev meets with representatives of Nur Otan Party regional branches


Independence Palace, Nur-Sultan

The meeting has been attended by deputies of Nur Otan Party Faction in the Parliament’s Majilis, secretaries and leaders of Maslikhat factions.

The meeting heard the reports of the Party’s first deputy chairman Baurzhan Baibek and some representatives of the Party branches in the regions.

After listening to the speakers, the Leader of Nation has noted the work of all party members who contributed to Nur Otan’s formation and growth.

Nur Otan represents our society’s diversity. It is the party of all Kazakhstan’s nation and the party of real affairs, responsible for the country’s future. We have a clear vision of Kazakhstan’s development, a specific strategy and action plans have been approved, the necessary resources are provided, said the First President of Kazakhstan.

The Party Chairman also pointed out the importance of consolidating the society around the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and taking measures to implement the tasks set by the Head of State.

In addition, Nursultan Nazarbayev focused on Kazakhstan’s achievements over the years of independence, stressing that all of them are inextricably linked with the Party and the daily activities of all Party members.

- In recent years, Kazakhstan’s GDP has grown from 11 billion to 170.5 billion US dollars. If in the early 90s more than a third of the population was below the poverty line, today this figure has dropped to 4.6%. The share of small and medium-sized businesses in GDP is 27%, although we did not have private property. We have attracted more than $300 billion of foreign direct investment. Over the years, we have managed to significantly strengthen the transit potential of Kazakhstan, said the Leader of Nation.

Along with this, the First President of Kazakhstan highlighted the importance of business processes on advancing and clarifying the key priorities of Kazakhstan’s Development Strategy until 2050.

Nursultan Nazarbayev distinctly settled upon the ministers’ plans on the continuous development of particular sectors of economic activity.

- The Cabinet has established programs related to supporting the regions, especially those aimed at supporting villages, new job formation and social decisions. For example, until 2026, it is planned to allocate about KZT2 trillion in support of villages. In the next 3 years, KZT560 billion will be allocated to provide the population with clean drinking water. If there is a strict follow-up control, then towards the end of 2023 all rural areas will have access to potable water of high quality, said the Party Chairman.

The Leader of Nation also spoke about the planned measures to increase the interests of SMEs in the country's economy and the predictable results of actualizing the Enbek (Labour) Program

- Next 2 years, Enbek Program will provide coverage for about 1.5 million people creating more than 750 thousand jobs. In 2020-2025, about 1 million flats will be built, Nursultan Nazarbayev said.

During the meeting, the First President of Kazakhstan outlined a number of key areas for further improving the Party’s work in the field.

- There is need to radically strengthen the Party responsibility of each akim and deputies of the faction in maslikhats. Today, all reforms are aimed at the regional growth. So, only over the past 10 years, local budgets have grown almost 3 times, amounting to KZT4.7 trillion. It is important to ensure clear party control over the spending of allocated funds. In addition, measures should be taken to advance the deputies’ activities and strengthen the status of all maslikhats, Nursultan Nazarbayev said.

In addition, the Party Chairman instructed to ensure the preparation of election programs for each region, city and district.

- In the coming year, the implementation of five-year territorial development programs is coming to an end. The need for new programs has coincided with a new electoral cycle. Therefore, new programs should become the basis of the Party’s election programs for elections to maslikhats in each region. As for the Nur Otan election program for the Majilis, the Prime Minister, as a member of the Political Council Bureau, needs to personally lead this work and already begin to develop this program, said the First President of Kazakhstan.

At the same time, the Leader of Nation emphasized the importance of conducting open internal party selection for forming high-quality party lists.

- Pre-election party lists in each maslikhat should include at least 30% of women and 20% of young people under 35 years old. Also, the lists should include representatives of different segments of the population, compatriots returning to their homeland, people with special needs, entrepreneurs and media representatives, said Nursultan Nazarbayev.

The Party Chairman has also focused on strengthening the work of party bodies in the field and increase the Party’s consolidating role in the regions of Kazakhstan.

- It is incumbent upon us to concentrate all resources for the achievement of triumph. The Party Congress is to take place in February, where there will be a statement of the reboot’s preliminary results and discussion of future electoral tasks in detail. Now Jas Otan and state bodies are preparing a new program Zhastar-Otanga until 2025. It will reflect the feedbacks on all the interests of modern youth. In April, the new program should be submitted to the Jas Otan Congress, Nursultan Nazarbayev said.

During the meeting, Nursultan Nazarbayev awarded the Belsendi Kyzmeti Ushin medal to active party members for their contribution to Nur Otan’s establishment and growth.