
Elbasy attends ceremony to mark ERG’s 25th anniversary


Nursultan Nazarbayev congratulated the corporate teams that are part of the Eurasian Group on the company’s 25th anniversary.

The First President of Kazakhstan emphasized that the company’s formation is inextricably linked with the development and strengthening of our country’s independence.

Elbasy spoke about the difficulties that all enterprises in the country had to overcome at the dawn of independence.

- Today, enterprises that were hard pressed in 1994, are up. The group of companies has created more than 150 placements. ERG has invested $ 13 billion to develop and expand production, said Nursultan Nazarbayev.

In addition, the First President of Kazakhstan positively noted the activities of the Eurasian Group for implementing social projects.

- The company is actualizing social programs. Housing, schools, hospitals, sports facilities and other infrastructure projects are being built, Elbasy said.

Nursultan Nazarbayev dwelt on global challenges requiring new solutions of growth from Kazakh enterprises.

- Life does not stand still. Everything is moving forward. We are entering the digital economy era. Artificial intelligence is being introduced everywhere. All this requires the search for new best practices maintaining competitiveness, said the First President of Kazakhstan.

Nursultan Nazarbaeyv thanked the ERG team for supporting his policy.

- All of us, citizens of Kazakhstan, are working for the good of our Motherland. We are developing the country for future generations. After all, declaring independence is one thing, but keeping it is a completely different matter. To do this, we should develop the economy. The teams of the Eurasian group enterprises make a worthy contribution to this work, said Nursultan Nazarbayev.

At the end of the speech, the First President of Kazakhstan once again congratulated all the staff, wishing them success and prosperity.