
Nursultan Nazarbayev receives Asset Issekeshev, Executive Director, Foundation of the First President of Kazakhstan


During the meeting, Asset Issekeshev has reported on implementing the Fund's projects in the social and educational fields and also informed Elbasy about work plans for 2020.

- In 2019, the Fund actualized 95 projects. Among them are projects in the educational sphere to support talented creative and scientific youth. A number of projects in the social services have been implemented, including charitable events. In 2019, the coverage of Fund projects has grown substantially. The number of participants in our events amounted to more than 460 thousand people, said the Foundation’s Executive Director.

In addition, Asset Issekeshev gave information on the development of strategic analytics at the Institute of World Economy and Politics under the Foundation of the First President of Kazakhstan.

- Based on the Institute of World Economy and Politics, a strategic think tank is being created to conduct research in the field of geopolitics, economics, human capital, as well as sociological and regional studies. We have already held more than 20 conferences, round tables and forums, said the Foundation's Executive Director.

During the meeting, the First President of Kazakhstan was presented with information on areas of work in 2020 as part of the Fund’s ongoing transformation. So, it is planned to hold 125 events in key areas of the First President’s Fund in the coming year.

At the end of the meeting, Nursultan Nazarbayev has given a number of specific instructions.