
Elbasy meets Zhakip Asanov, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court


The meeting has discussed the course of actualizing the measures within the framework of implementing the judicial system reforms.

The First President of Kazakhstan emphasized that the courts have a special place in the system of public administration, noting the importance of work to further increase people's confidence in the courts.

- The issues of protecting citizens' rights and increasing public confidence in the judicial system always remain relevant on the agenda. A lot of work has been done in this area. This sphere’s improvement is given special attention in the 100 Specific Steps Nation’s Plan. Scheduled tasks are being carried out, and the indicators are not bad. Confidence in the courts is growing, said Elbasy.

In turn, Zhakip Asanov told Nursultan Nazarbayev about the results of certifying judges, measures taken to improve the quality of judicial acts and reduce the burden on judges.

- We have started the certification of judges using the new methodology. Of the 377 judges who took part in certification, 11 percent failed. By the end of the year, 260 more judges will take certification. Thus, in 2021, 84 percent of judges will undergo examination, said the Supreme Court President.

In conclusion, the First President of Kazakhstan focused on the fact that increasing the judicial system’s effectiveness is an urgent issue for many foreign countries.

- People’s view of courts is changing. However, there is still a lot of work to do. Not only we are dealing with this problem, but other states pay special attention to it too, said Elbasy.