
The First President of Kazakhstan meets with Nurlan Nigmatulin, Chairman, Parliament’s Mazhilis


During the meeting, Nursultan Nazarbayev heard the information about the Nur Otan Party faction’s implementing the instructions given at the meeting last fall.

Elbasy has emphasized the importance of continuing the work on an effective and prompt response to public needs.

- It is necessary to turn to people and live taking care of them. This is the Party’s task, as well as its deputies of all levels. This is our joint duty, said the First President of Kazakhstan.

In addition, Nursultan Nazarbayev pointed out the need to ensure the coordinated work of the Cabinet’s executive and legislative branches in order to achieve economic growth and increase the nation’s well-being.

- Currently, the challenge lies in ensuring new economic growth. The Parliament and the Party should think about that together, Elbasy said.

Nursultan Nazarbayev also noted that it is worth paying attention to the issue of increasing the Parliament’s role.

- Parliament should play a key role in the Cabinet’s formation. It is necessary to adopt laws, programs and be accountable to the people together, the First President of Kazakhstan emphasized.

During the meeting, Nurlan Nigmatulin informed Elbasy about the results of regional trips of the Mazhilis deputies and spoke about the present legislative work of the Parliament’s Lower House.

- Starting from 5 January of this year, all the deputies, including the Party faction’s deputies, travelled to all regions of the country, visited all remote settlements. During these days, there have been about one and a half thousand meetings of deputies with citizens. These meetings considered a lot of questions, including on the new format of social assistance, the new Health Code, and employment. All opinions and suggestions of people will be taken into account in the forthcoming legislative work. In general, since September last year, the Mazhilis has taken into operation 97 bills, 37 of them have already been approved and sent to the Senate of the Parliament, the Chairman of the Mazhilis said.