
Congratulation of the First President of Kazakhstan on Defender’s Day


Dear people of Kazakhstan,

I congratulate you on Defender’s Day!

On May 7, 1992, I signed the Decree on creating the Armed Forces of Kazakhstan.

Since gaining independence, we have always paid special attention to ensuring our country’s military security, preventing armed conflicts, and developing the Armed Forces.

Strong and efficient army is one of the most important attributes of a sovereign state.

Kazakhstan’s army is complete with the most modern weapons, the exercises are held on a regular basis. The provision of social support to the military is of great importance.

People in full military attire gracefully fulfill all the tasks assigned to them, showing valor and courage in the time of peace. Many of them are a forefront of the fight against the coronavirus pandemic today, protecting the rule of law and taking part in anti-epidemic activities.

I appeal to you, the Fatherland defenders, to protect the dear land's tranquility with honor. Be the standard of responsibility, justice and patriotism.

Our common task lies in preserving and protecting our core values ​​- unity, independence and stability.

Happy holiday, dear people of Kazakhstan! I wish you all good health, strength and prosperity!