
Security Council meeting chaired by the First President of Kazakhstan


The videoconference meeting discussed the strategic issues of combating the COVID-19 epidemic, as well as economic recovery and post-crisis development of the country.

Elbasy emphasized that the situation around global threats is developing according to a very alarming scenario.

- The consequences of coronavirus affect the vital systems of the global economy. IMF experts talk about the Great Quarantine, comparing it to the Great Depression. According to them, per capita income will decline in 170 countries. Weak economies will suffer the most. This quarter, experts predict both a peak in a pandemic and an economic crisis. It is expected that it will be the deepest decline in industrial production since the World War II, said the First President of Kazakhstan.

Nursultan Nazarbayev has also noted that in the near future all the states will face trying times, and Kazakhstan is no exception.

- On April 20, for the first time in history, the oil price is in the red. Global markets are out of balance. According to estimates the global financial crisis comes next after the pandemic and the global falling-off in production. The next stage could be the world food crisis. It will cause tension and conflicts, said Elbasy.

The Security Council Chairman emphasized that timely and verified actions taken by Kazakhstan today will be crucial to cope  with the troubled period.

- The Head of State and the Prime Minister have made all the necessary anti-crisis decisions. The state of emergency has been imposed in the country; the quarantine is in force. I urge the citizens to comply with all prescribed requirements in the state of emergency. In our history, crises have occurred repeatedly. But this one is special. Everything is being done so that every Kazakhstan citizen feels state support. However, now you need to look at a few steps further. The world will not be the same, said the First President of Kazakhstan.

The Security Council Chairman has also dwelt on the changes expected in all spheres of the state and society.

- Firstly, all countries are rescheduling their economic strategies. The priority will be self-sustainability, taking into account own resources, reliability of production and financial network. Secondly, new industry specific priorities will take shape. Inefficient segments will nullify. But others will turn out to be leaders, will drive the economy and give people job. Thirdly, all large-scale crises are associated with a cyclical change in the technological and economic world order. And now the early model is being demolished, Nursultan Nazarbayev said.

Elbasy emphasized that Kazakhstan has all the necessary resources in order to overcome grand challenges.

- In previous years, the serious work has been done to reduce dependence on raw materials. Therefore, all major development programs were developed - industrialization, small and medium-sized businesses, infrastructure, agriculture, social programs. Large resources were allocated for them. We have accumulated a significant amount of funds in the National Fund. It is now saving the country during the crisis, and not the first time. But it is not limitless, it is necessary to use it economically and in extreme cases, said the First President of Kazakhstan.

The President of the Security Council noted the importance of adopting innovative approaches to socio-economic development.

- First, a complex of anti-crisis measures should be implemented. Every tenge needs to be monitored so that all support quickly reaches the business and the public. Already now it is necessary to launch a program for economic recovery and post-crisis development. To determine the directions for our basic industries, the economy of the future, the development of cities and villages, the social sphere, the financial system, said Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Elbasy pointed out the need to ensure effective work at all levels of government for implementing anti-crisis measures.

- It is time to look at Kazakhstan as an effective corporation, to be managed from a single centre according to a clear plan, both strategic and operational. All state managers, from the rural akim to the Cabinet member, need to restructure their work and achieve concrete results. The country needs decisive managers who are ready to take the necessary measures to ensure economic recovery, reduce unemployment, supply the population with food and everything necessary, said the First President of Kazakhstan.

In conclusion, the Security Council Chairman emphasized that the timely formation of a new vision of the country's development after the 2020 crisis will not only allow surviving, but also getting advantages and benefits for the entire state.

- I am sure we will prevail. Akims, ministers are personally liable. The Cabinet is meant to ensure control of efficient implementation of all state programs and anti-crisis measures. I address the entire nation to support the actions taken, to show unity, solidarity and discipline. Everything that is being done is being done for the benefit of Kazakhstanis, Nursultan Nazarbayev said.