
Nursultan Nazarbayev meets with Prime Minister Askar Mamin


The First President of Kazakhstan emphasized that given the undertaken measures, it was possible to reduce the rate of COVID-19 spread.

- I would like to mention the coordinated work of health care professionals. Under difficult conditions, law enforcement agencies are also showing their effectiveness. The Cabinet and local executive bodies are making strides, Nursultan Nazarbayev said.

Elbasy noted the meaningfulness of good implementation of the Head of State’s instructions.

- It is important to bring all the initiatives of the President to the people on the ground. I have talked  about that at the telephone conversations with regional akims, the First President of Kazakhstan said.

At the same time, Nursultan Nazarbayev placed a greater focus on the need to maintain economic stability in the light of the current situation.

- Global economic situation is complicated. Following the results of the first quarter, the key figures of our country are not altogether bad. However, it ought to be noted that the effects of quarantine have not yet fully affected the country's economic indicators. The issues of supporting small and medium-sized businesses and providing the population with food remain important. Now we need to think about what we will do in the post-crisis period. The economy will decline, and, most likely, the consequences will be more severe than after the crisis of 2008, said Elbasy.

Nursultan Nazarbayev noted the timeliness of allocating 10 billion dollars from the National Fund and the Cabinet’s reserve to support the domestic economy.

In turn, the Prime Minister informed the First President of Kazakhstan about the measures being taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the country and to ensure socio-economic stability.

At the end of the meeting, Nursultan Nazarbayev emphasized the relevance of implementing programs aimed at developing non-resource economic sectors.

- We have gone through difficulties before. We will overcome these difficulties too. The most important thing is the unity and tranquillity of our people. I believe that the Cabinet is working efficiently. Tomorrow I will publish my article addressing Kazakhstan’s nation. Now it’s hard for the whole world. The peak has not yet been reached. Therefore, we need to show restraint and patience, while maintaining respect for each other, said Elbasy.