
Congratulation of the First President of Kazakhstan - Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev on Oraza Ait


Dear compatriots,

I congratulate you on the holy holiday of Muslims – Oraza Ait!

Marking the end of the month-long dawn-to-sunset fasting of Ramadan, it personifies the most important spiritual values ​​of Islam - goodness, generosity and mercy.

Islam calls us to peace, unity and stability. These values ​​are close and understandable not only to Muslims. Therefore, in our country, Oraza Ait unites all people of Kazakhstan, regardless of their religion.

It is important to further strengthen these traditions and value our moral ideals. This is the basis of Kazakhstan’s stable and confident development.

Oraza Ait is marked by good deeds, concern for others and compassion for those in need. The holiday helps to strengthen mutual understanding and harmony in society.

May our whole life, like this day, be filled only with good deeds, righteous thoughts, and mercy.

I wish the whole Kazakhstan’s nation spiritual strength, good health, happiness and prosperity!

Oraza Ait Kabyl Bolsyn!