
Elbasy meets with Mohammad al-Jaber, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Arab Emirates to Kazakhstan


During the meeting, Nursultan Nazarbayev thanked Mohammad al-Jaber, who is completing his diplomatic mission in Kazakhstan, for his contribution to strengthening bilateral cooperation.

- You have worked in our country for three and a half years. During this time, relations between Kazakhstan and the UAE have significantly strengthened. In particular, a visa-free regime was introduced between our states. You are a friend of our country, and I am sure that we will continue to maintain good relations, said the First President of Kazakhstan.

In turn, Mohammad al-Jaber expressed gratitude to Elbasy and all Kazakhstan’s nation for the warm welcome, fruitful cooperation and all possible assistance in developing relations between the two states.

- I have had the great honour of becoming an ambassador to our friendly country - the Republic of Kazakhstan. There is a warm and friendly relationship between the leadership of Kazakhstan and the UAE. I fell in love with Kazakhstan and its people. I leave the country with vivid and unforgettable impressions. I am proud that my first post in the diplomatic service has been just through Kazakhstan’s school, said the UAE Ambassador.