Chairman of the World Association of the Kazakhs

The World Association of Kazakhs was established on September 29, 1992 by the decision of the First World Kurultai of the Kazakhs, which was held in Almaty. 800 delegates from 33 countries of the world participated in it. At the same kurultai, Nursultan Nazarbayev was elected the chairman of the association. 

The main task of the World Association of Kazakhs is to establish relations with ethnic Kazakhs living outside the historical motherland in the spiritual, cultural, scientific, educational and business fields.

The World Association of Kazakhs deals with all vital issues of the Kazakh diaspora abroad. One of the main tasks of the World Association of Kazakhs is to improve cooperation in all spheres of the life of the Kazakh diaspora in the near and far abroad. The projects implemented by the World Association of Kazakhs can be grouped in two directions: spiritual-cultural and economic. The most diverse and effective working methods are used in the process of project implementation. This is the organization of scientific-theoretical and scientific-practical conferences, international symposiums, "round tables" and meetings on topical issues of the Kazakh diaspora, as well as creative evenings, exhibitions, anniversary celebrations, creative and sports festivals and others. 

By the decision of the 5th World Kurultai of the Kazakhs, Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev was unanimously re-elected as the Chairman of the Presidium of the World Association of Kazakhs.

«We have inexhaustible spiritual wealth. And its most important value is the love to the Motherland, Kazakhstan patriotism».

N. A Nazarbayev