The First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy

Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev is the First President of Kazakhstan and Elbasy, elected on December 1, 1991 at the first nation-wide election. The personality of N.A. Nazarbayev marks a whole epoch in the life of the country. 

The mission of awakening the national spirit and reviving our statehood rested on the shoulders of one of the titans of modern global politics - Nursultan Nazarbayev, whose larger-than-life figure will serve as an unshakable guide for grateful descendants for centuries.

At the dawn of independence our people entrusted him the design and construction of the new Kazakhstan. Time has proved the correctness of this fateful choice.

The content and essence of his multifaceted activities to create the foundations of true sovereignty, building of an effective economy, creation of a harmonious society and identification of priorities for the country development at the latest stage of national history is a strong argument for recognizing the First President of Kazakhstan as the founding father of our modern statehood and true Leader of the nation.

The historical phenomenon of Nursultan Nazarbayev lies in the fact that he managed to consolidate the creative potential of the nation and mobilize society for a powerful breakthrough into the future, which received a figurative name in the world - “leap of the Kazakhstan panther”. 

The purely pragmatic approach of Elbasy, involving concrete actions, maintaining the stability of the entire system, strategic planning and phased development, has enabled our country to achieve impressive results in state-building in less than 30 years. Due to the continuous process of transformation and deep systemic reforms in all spheres of society in the world, Nursultan Nazarbayev was the main creator and author of the “Kazakhstan miracle” spoken all over the world.

The thought-out policy and character of Elbasy led the economy of Kazakhstan to the status of one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Thanks to the personal contribution of the First President and the powerful support of people, the Kazakhstan Model of Development has become widespread in the world community. This model is a gradual and confident development of the state at a deeply thought-out course. 

1.12.1991 The First President
of the Republic of Kazakhstan was elected