
The First President of Kazakhstan meets with Nurlan Nigmatulin, Majilis Chairman of the Parliament


During the meeting, Nursultan Nazarbayev was briefed on the current activities and work plans of Nur Otan Party parliamentary group in the Majilis.

- Currently, 45 bills are under consideration of the Majilis. All 3 groups have already started their activities. Our parliamentary group has been tasked with implementing quality control over actualization of your instructions, the election program and the Plan of the Nation 100 Specific Steps, Nurlan Nigmatulin reported.

In addition, Leader of the Nation listened to the information on preparations for the meeting of speakers, the Parliaments of Europe and Asia.

- On September 23-24, delegates from 65 countries of the world are participating in the meeting of speakers. A parliamentary event of such a high level in the country is being held for the first time in the last 20 years. This year meeting of parliamentary speakers of the countries of Europe and Asia is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Eurasian idea, said the Majilis Chairman.