
Nursultan Nazarbayev attends a theatrical performance



The Leader of Nation attended the play Tyraulap Ushkan Tyrnalar based on Valentin Yezhov’s dramatic poem; it is directed by Talgat Temenov, People's Artist of Kazakhstan, a theatre and film director.

The performance presentation was on the stage of the Kuanyshbaev State Academic Kazakh Music and Drama Theatre.

At the end of the play, Nursultan Nazarbayev addressed the theatre’s on-stage performance group and all the audience present.

- Over the years of the Kazakh theatre, a good team has formed here. Next summer, the theatre will move to a new building on the Millennium Alley. It will include two halls with 650 and 200 seats. I have been very impressed with the play. And I am grateful to all the artists for excellent acting, said the First President of Kazakhstan.