
Nursultan Nazarbayev meets with Bibigul Tulegenova, the USSR merited artist and opera singer


During the meeting, Nursultan Nazarbayev congratulated Bibigul Tulegenova on her 90th birthday.

During the conversation, the First President of Kazakhstan shared his memories of his first acquaintance with the opera singer’s work.

- You have won the true love of our people. I wish you many years of life, unflagging energy, and unceasing applause from the audience. The other day you had a wonderful concert, which traditionally received high praise from the audience, said the Leader of Nation.

In turn, Bibigul Tulegenova talked about the results of the 10th contest of vocalists, held with the assistance of the First President’s Fund.

- I am grateful for your concern. Words fail to tell about what kind of support you are lending to the development of the national culture and art, said the USSR merited artist.