
Congratulation of the First President of Kazakhstan - Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev on Easter


Dear сompatriots,

With all my heart I congratulate you on the bright holiday of Easter!

For millions of people, this day makes itself into the avatar of renewal, hope, the triumph of good and justice.

Easter holiday’s spiritual significance, which is celebrated by the country’s Orthodox community, is near and dear to Kazakhstanis.

We respect all religious holidays, and this good tradition emphasizes our nation’s peacefulness and tolerance.

Over the years of independence, there is supportive environment in Kazakhstan for all faiths that contribute to the society’s growth and formation of the common spiritual space.

Easter assumes special importance during this difficult time, when it is so important to recognize such absolute values ​​as mercy, mutual respect, and unity.

We are building a strong Kazakhstan together, guided by the principles of peace and harmony.

I wish everyone good, good health and prosperity on this bright holiday!