
Congratulations to the First President of Kazakhstan on Victory Day

Telegrams and letters

Elbasy has received correspondence from a number of heads of state and government on the occasion of celebrating the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

“Celebrating this sacramental holiday, we are gratefully having a recollection  of the invincible courage and unexampled heroism of our fathers and grandfathers, who shoulder to shoulder defended our native land and saved the world from the threat of Nazism. I’m sure that the glorious traditions of friendship and mutual assistance inherited from the older generations will continue to serve as a solid foundation for developing strategic partnership and alliance relations between our countries,” the telegram of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin says.

Alexander Lukashenko, the President of the Republic of Belarus, sent a congratulatory letter wishing good health, peace and prosperity.

“I cordially congratulate you on the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War on behalf of the whole Belarusian nation and on my own behalf. The acts of bravery of our fathers and grandfathers on the battlefields, as well as the dedicated work of those who hammered the Great Victory in the rear, remain for us the inexhaustible source of pride, example of unlimited patriotism and love for the motherland,” Alexander Lukashenko said in his letter.

Sooronbay Jeenbekov, President of the Kyrgyz Republic, in his telegram notes that the Great Victory is the  inestimable heritage of our nations who fought closely against the cruel enemy and saved the world from fascism.

“Today we pay tribute to the soldiers and workers of the rear and express our deep gratitude to our grandfathers and mothers for saving peace and freedom. Our sacred duty and responsibility is to pass on the heroism of our ancestors from generation to generation,” Sooronbay Jeenbekov writes.

Nursultan Nazarbayev has also received a congratulatory telegram addressed to was also received from Igor Dodon, President of the Republic of Moldova.

“With a feeling of great pride in our common Great Victory, the 75th anniversary of which we are celebrating these May days, I heartily congratulate you and wish you happiness, kindness and prosperity. May 9, 1945 is a special date for all the Commonwealth countries, a symbol of the bravery and honour of the Soviet people,” says Igor Dodon.

Nikol Pashinyan, Prime Minister of Armenia, wished warm wishes for good health, inexhaustible pep and success in his letter.

“On this day, we rightly feel pride in ones who, through their heroism in the lines and commitment in the rear, made the difference in defeating fascism. Our joint duty is to remember at what price the victory was won, jointly resisting the attempts to glorify Nazism, spread the ideology of militant nationalism and xenophobia,” the telegram says.