
Congratulations of the First President of Kazakhstan – Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev on the Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan


Dear compatriots!

I congratulate you on the Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan!

For everyone of us this day symbolizes peace, harmony and patriotism.

Solidarity of the Kazakh nation united in responsibility for the future of the country has made all the achievements and success of our country possible during 30 years of Independence.

Over the years the constructive friendship of our multi-ethnic people has emerged as one of the core elements of Kazakhstan's statehood.

We need to continue to carefully protect the unity of our nation. It is the most important source of power and confidence in days to come.

It is the only way for us to successfully overcome the challenges that we face today.

I am convinced that solidarity and unity of Kazakhstan’s nation will always be a sound basis for new greater milestones for the country.

I wish good health, well-being, happiness and prosperity to all people of Kazakhstan!